Monday 6 August 2007

O. God. I'm going to be Fired!

9.49 p.m. and still at work. I guess that’s the price to be paid for lounging around in the sunshine all day. Well what can I say? Summer in London lasts all of three days and today was one of them. What with the view from my office, overlooking a crooked little sunshine speckled street and the sky as blue as it was, the pink gerbera’s outside my window sill calling my name, or as good as. Really, I was doomed from the word go.

If only I could pass off my time in the park as careful and analytical ruminations plotting out the next strategic step on any of the variety of projects on my desk. Yeah, if only…

Sigh… one must pay for her deviances so here I am…

Yet somehow, still not working and writing this instead. Obviously, I’m a sucker for punishment.

O yeah, someone’s going to get a P45 tomorrow…

Tomorrow begins the day of reckoning. I’ve slacked off all of last Friday, again for the same sun worshipping reason and today well… what?? It’s not like I planned it. It just happened… Honest!

Hmmm. I wonder if that excuse will be any more effective in the office tomorrow than when a cheating lover is caught in the act? Probably not.

O. God. I’m going to get fired.

Here’s a thought: Do any of you ever wonder where your boyfriend’s go when they’re not at home? And why they always say “I’m going to meet a “friend?”’ Well of course, they’re going to meet a friend!!! Who else would they be meeting? Surely not an enemy!!!???

Well I suppose my P45 might not necessarily have to be a bad thing. Who can argue with endless days of lounging around doing nothing, sleeping in till lunchtime, picnics in the park, all night DVD marathons… or sex-athons? Now there’s an idea… until reality sets in and rents have to be paid, bills to be settled, groceries to be purchased – Life is expensive.

Cue rich boyfriend who supplements extravagant tastes… and maybe that’s why we never ask where they’re going, or indeed who they are doing it with…

So on that note: I had best start some work to avoid that very same predicament…

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